Bunga tithonia diversifolia pdf

Waktu saya ke ntt, orang ntt menyebutnya tanaman bunga kuning. Pdf allelopathic effect of tithonia diversifolia on the. Leaf and stem microscopic identification of tithonia. Kipait, bunga bulan atau paitan tithonia diversifolia adalah sejenis tumbuhan yang berbentuk seperti bunga matahari yang kelopaknya berwarna kuning dan inti bunga berwarna jingga.

Effect of operational parameters, characterization and antibacterial studies of green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using tithonia diversifolia adewumi o. It can also be used as fodder for cattle, goats and sheep. The present study focused on the synthesis of silver nanoparticles using the metabolites of annona squamosa seeds. I tried a web search of the picture but nothing turned up. Tithonia diversifolia mexican sunflower is a dominant plant of the asteraceae family, which suggests it produces allelochemicals that interfere with the development of surrounding plants. The genus tithonia in the daisy family asteraceae includes 1015 species of bushy annuals, perennials and shrubs native to mexico and central america that have large, brightly colored daisylike flowers on thick stems. Tithonia diversifolia is a species of flowering plant in the family asteraceae that is commonly known as the tree marigold, mexican tournesol, mexican sunflower, japanese sunflower or nitobe chrysanthemum. The isolates were identified based on their ribosomal dna sequences. Combining tithonia diversifolia and fertilizers for maize production in a phosphorus deficient soil in kenya.

All tithonia species are native to mexico and are usually grown as an annual, planted in spring once the weather warms up. Reproductive characteristics of tithonia diversifolia and its geographical spread in yunnan province of southwest china. List of various diseases cured by tithonia diversifolia. Leaf size is 517 x 512 cm, densely pubescent beneath, palmate venation. Toksisitas dan repelensi ekstrak daun titonia tithonia diversifolia. Fast growing big shrub or tree with sunflowerlike flowers. Tithonia diversifolia is a proli c seeder which retains its seeds until the plant dries in the dry season when the seeds disperse and are spread by wind, water and the. Allelopathic effect of tithonia diversifolia on the. The allelopathic effects of fresh shoot aqueous extract of tithonia diversifolia hemsl. Kipait wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Pengaruh dosis kompos paitan tithonia diversifolia. Tithonia plant growing guide mexican sunflower, tree marigold.

Ethyl acetate extracts of the leaves, stems, and roots showed significant. Its flowerheads have bright yellow centres and yellow petals i. The study described herein was conducted to identify the compounds that have phytotoxic activity in t. Gulma atau tanaman semak ini agak besar dari famili asteraceae yang diduga berasal dari meksiko, bercabang sangat banyak, berbatang lembut dan agak besar, tumbuh sangat cepat, sehingga dalam waktu yang singkat dapat membentuk semak yang lebat. Tithonia diversifolia as a green manure for soil fertility. Antifleas activity and safety of tithonia diversifolia and. Tanaman tithonia diversifolia mempunyai bunga yang majemuk dan terletak di ujung ranting.

Bunga kipait atau kembang bulan tithonia diversifolia. Tithonia diversifolia unib scholar repository universitas bengkulu. Paitan sebagai pupuk organik pupuk organik berasal dari tanaman atau kotoran hewan. Studies done in western kenya to compare the rate of biomass and nutrient accumulation among tithonia diversifolia, tephrosia vogelii and maize, proved that tithonia had the highest rates of accumulation of both the biomass and nutrient 18. Although the fresh shoot aqueous extract did not show. Mexican sunflower, tithonia rotundifolia master gardener. Tithonia diversifolia is a common invasive weed in africa and nigeria in particular akobundu and agyakwa, 1998 and its biomass is rich in essential nutrients jama et al. Japanese sunflower tithonia diversifolia has leaves with 37 pointed lobes.

Pemanfaatan paitan tithonia diversifolia sebagai pupuk. Its flowerheads have bright yellow centres and orange or reddish petals i. Tugas laboratorium bioteknologi pertanian sub hama dan penyakit tanaman hpt tanaman kipahit tithonia diversifolia. Morfologi bunga kipait atau kembang bulan atau rondosemoyo. The sesquiterpene lactones isolated were found to be pesticidal on test plants. Paitan tithonia diversifolia sebagai pupuk organik pada tanaman kedelai. Pada penelitian ini telah diisolasi senyawa dan fraksi metanol bunga paitan tithonia diversifolia, gray. Mexican sunflower, tithonia diversifolia is widely distributed in the tropics, from mexico to brazil, and is also found in asia and africa, where it has been introduced in view of its multiple uses, for example, as animal forage, green fertilizer, a natural insecticide, a honeyplant and an ornamental shrub rios, 1999. Tithonia rotundifolia torch, tithonia speciosa torch, tithonia diversifolia.

Effect of operational parameters, characterization and. Phenotypic aspects such as morphology, diversifopia length, locomotion, and reproductive behaviour were analyzed. Characteristics of tithonia diversifolia sun et al. Kandungan zat dalam daun tithonia dapat menurunkan kandungan gula darah.

Preliminary evaluation of tithonia diversifolia helms. The ethyl acetate etoac extracts of all endophytic fungi were evaluated for their antimicrobial, antiparasitic and antitumoral activity. Tithonia diversifolia sejenis gulma yang sudah diteliti dan digunakan di bagian barat kenya. Looking at the picture of tithonia diversifolia sidebyside with the picture of this other plant, the leaves look identical but im still not sure. Slae, tithonia diversifolia leavestlae, tithonia diversifolia flowerstfae were prepared for testing invitro antiflea activity. The effect of lead on the phytochemistry of tithonia. Pdf effect of tithonia diversifolia mulch on atta cephalotes. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the t. Annual plant perennial flower for usda hardiness zones 1011 tithonia diversifolia is hardy to zone 9a. Biological activities from extracts of endophytic fungi. Effect of extract combination tithonia diversifolia. Tithonia are half hardy annuals that range from 60 cm to 1. Tithonia diversifolia yang diberikan dengan dosis 20 ton ha1 dapat meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, laju pertumbuhan jumlah daun dan bobot kering daun pada tanaman kol bunga.

Environmentally friendly, inexpensive, and effective technique is. Tithonia diversifolia and sapiurn ellipticvm ruminants. Bunga kipait atau dalam bahasa ilmiah disebut dengan tithonia diversifolia merupakan bunga yang berasal dataran meksiko yang mulai menyebar ke benua asia dan efrika mulanya hanya sebuah tanaman hias, namun seiring perkembangannya yang pesat tumbuhan ini sekarang sudah menjadi gulma terutama gulma pada lahanlahan pertanian. Mahkota bunga lepas, berbentuk seperti pita, halus dan berwarna kuning. If it is tithonia diversifolia, it was put there by a migrating bird, which means it is the nonsterile type. Contact the seller opens in a new window or tab and request a shipping method to your location. Tithonia diversifolia or the wild sunflower is a nonleguminous shrub that grows wild in many parts of africa. Phytochemical and antimicrobial studies of extracts from. Tumbuhan paitan atau kembang bulan, atau bunga matahari. Ethanol extract of tithonia diversifolia hemsley a gray. General information mexican sunflower is a robust plant that can vary significantly in habit. Tea, coffee, pepper, tobacco, and patchouli plant have been reported as host of this nematode.

Tanaman ini ternyata cukup banyak tumbuh di tempattempat lain dan dengan nama daerah yang lain juga. Tithonia rotundifolia is particularly invasive in the inland provinces of gauteng, limpopo, mpumalanga and the north west while tithonia diversifolia is invasive in the lowveld regions of mpumalanga, limpopo and along the coastal regions of kwazulunatal province. Tithonia diversifolia terutama daun dan bunga memiliki kelebihan yaitu mengandung karotenoid terutama. How to grow tithonia plants guide to growing mexican sunflower, tree marigold, mexican tournesol. Rootknot nematode meloidogyne incognita is a soilborne pathogen in plantation crops. Opposite leaves 35, attenuate base, acute apex, crenate margin. Pestisida nabati dari tanaman kipahit tithonia diversifolia. Leaf and stem microscopic identification of tithonia diversifolia hemsl. Akumulasi biomass tersebut menjadikan paitan sebagai pupuk hijau, untuk memperoleh kandungan hara.

Bunga kipait atau kembang bulan tithonia diversifolia bunga kipait mempunyai banyak nama tergantung pada tempat ia tumbuh, seperti contohnya di ntt disebut dengan nama bunga kuning, kembang bulan di jawa, kipait di sunda, buatong di thailand, jalate di spanyol dan mexican sunflower sebutan yang dipakai di negara meksiko. Oct 21, 2014 rondo semoyo atau kipahit tithonia diversifolia, tanaman gulma yang memiliki banyak manfaat. Tithonia diversifolia eskripsi universitas andalas unand. Gray mexican sunflower, also known as tree marigold is a perennial and member of the sunflower family, asteraceae. Titonia tithonia diversifolia merupakan tumbuhan liar yang banyak ditemukan di dataran menengah. Nov 20, 20 looking at the picture of tithonia diversifolia sidebyside with the picture of this other plant, the leaves look identical but im still not sure. Another study shows promising results as an antiinflammatory and analgesic. Insecticidal activity of extracts of tithonia diversifolia hemsl. Good choice when you need to hide an ugly wall or fence or make privacy in a short time period. Telah lama dilaporkan, tanaman paitan tithonia diversifolia, gray dapat digunakan sebagai obatobatan dan pestisida. Sayap ngengat bagian depan berwarna coklat atau keperakan, dan sayap belakang. Tithonia diversifolia, a shrub in the family asteraceae, is widely distributed along farm boundaries in the humid and subhumid tropics of africa.

The escalating invasion by the two weedy sunflowers is increasingly threatening. Aktivitas nematisidal daun, batang, dan bunga tithonia diversifolia. Pdf abstrak artikel ini mengulas tentang kandungan senyawa kimia dan aktivitas antimalaria ekstrak daun kembang bulan tithonia diversifolia hemsley. In this work, we investigate the influence of different abiotic environmental factors on the plants metabolite. How tithonia diversifolia is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Results and discussion dried leaves 60 g, stems 60 g, and roots 60 g of tithonia diversifolia, defatted with hexane, were extracted with ethyl acetate etoac, 1. Jamu paitan daun tithonia dipercaya ampuh untuk mengobati penyakit berbahaya diabetes mellitus. Tithonia diversifolia is an invasive weed commonly found in tropical ecosystems. Pdf recent studies have shown an insecticidal effect of tithonia diversifolia hemsl. Traditionally, the tithonia diversifolia hemsley a gray leaf has long been used for the treatment of diabetes. Tithonia diversifolia seeds tree marigold, mexican.

Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the various phytochemical and antimicrobial properties of the leaves of t. Gray growing on sites exposed to vehicular emissions liezel m. Paitan tithonia diversifolia sebagai pupuk organik pada tanaman kedelai 51 setara 123,27 kg urea, 15,36 kg sp36, dan 106,93 kg kcl. Rondo semoyo atau kipahit tithonia diversifolia, tanaman gulma yang memiliki banyak manfaat. Gray terhadap hama ulat grayak spodoptera litura f. Tanaman ini selain berstatus sebagai gulma, namun juga dapat menghambat perkecambahan dari bijibiji gulma lainnya taiwo dan makinde, 2005. Tangkai bunga ini berbentuk bulat dan kelopak bunga berbentuk tabung serta memiliki bulu bulu yang halus.

Aktivitas nematisidal daun, batang, dan bunga tithonia diversifolia terhadap nematoda puru akar meloidogyne incognita secara in vitro. Lab studies indicate both positive and negative results. It is native to mexico and central america but has a nearly pantropical distribution as an introduced species. Mexican sunflower, tithonia rotundifolia, is a tall plant. Perlakuan kontrol npk 100 % memberikan bobot buah terberat dan diameter buah terbesar akan tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan lainnya. Best known as the mexican sunflower, tithonia rotundifolia is one of this small genus that also includes species such as tithonia diversifolia or tree marigold.

Pada tanaman bawang merah pupuk kompos kotoran sapi 30 ton ha1 dapat meningkatkan bobot umbi, jumlah daun pertanaman dan berat kering total per. Asteraceae compositae sunflower tree, tree marigold, wild sunflower. Pdf aktivitas nematisidal daun, batang, dan bunga tithonia. Comparative effects of soil and foliar applications of. Klasifikasi dan morfologi tanaman insulin materi pertanian. Tanaman ini dimanfaatkan daunnya untuk dijadikan jamu paitan karena rasanya sangat pahit. Names of tithonia diversifolia in various languages of the world are also given. Tithonia diversifolia is a shrublike perennial or annual invasive plant, native to north and central america.

Simatupang, petrus and sigit, sudjatmiko and nanik, setyowati 2015 pengaruh dosis kompos paitan tithonia diversifolia terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kol bunga pada sistem pertanian organik. Aug 05, 2014 an infusion of tithonia diversifolia leaves has been used in some folk medicines as a treatment for a wide range of maladies, including diabetes, cholesterol, sore throat and measles. Daun insulin tithonia diversifolia untuk pengobatan. Bunga ini disebut juga sebagai mexican sunflower atau bunga matahari meksiko karena berasal dari meksiko dan menyebar ke negaranegara tropika basah dan subtropika. Mexican sunflower tithonia rotundifolia has leaves without lobes or with rounded lobes. Uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients in tithonia diversifolia.

Effect of the environment on the secondary metabolic profile of tithonia diversifolia. Diabetes mellitus is a state of chronic hyperglycemia which causes various complications. Gray was investigated on the germination of seeds and growth of young seedlings of zea mays l. Pengaruh dosis kompos paitan tithonia diversifolia terhadap. African farmers have many uses for the plant, the most popular being as an organic fertilizer for vegetable crops in either compost. Good choice when you need to hide an ugly wall or fence or make privacy in. Allelopathic effect of tithonia diversifolia and chromolaena odorata on the 3. Mexican sunflower nectar flower favorite for monarchs. For each extract, 1 mgml, 10 mgml and 100 mgml concentrations were made. Tithonia diversifolia seeds tree marigold, mexican tournesol, mexican sunflower, japanese sunflower or nitobe chrysanthemum. Tithonia diversifolia, pupuk alternatif pertanian organik. Sometimes an unbranched or sparselybranched annual, it can also be a shortlived perennial, or the plant can become shrublike with more or less woody stems. Sesquiterpenes from tithonia diversifolia with potential cancer chemopreventive activity.

Akumulasi biomass tersebut menjadikan paitan sebagai pupuk hijau, untuk memperoleh kandungan hara n, p, dan k yang tinggi. Green biomass of tithonia has been recognized as an effective source of nutrients for lowland rice oryza sativa in asia and more recently for maize zea mays and vegetables in eastern and southern africa. Tithonia diversifolia herb uses, benefits, cures, side. Tithonia can improve soil fertility on the farm the organic.

Originally found in mexico, this unusual plant can be grown as either an annual or a perennial when it will become almost shrublike. Hariati, yuni ponco 2003 isolasi dan karakterisasi fraksi metanol dari bunga paitan tithonia diversifolia, gray. Lomahan department of biology, college of science, university of the philippines, baguio city, philippines 2600 corresponding author. Tithonia diversifolia, sunflower tree, tree marigold, wild. Pengaruh dosis kompos paitan tithonia diversifolia terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kol bunga pada sistem pertanian organik petrus simatupang, dibawah bimbingan sigit sudjatmiko dan nanik setyowati. Goldeneyed yellow flowers open amongst attractive, denselypacked, silverbacked, vinelike, foliage. An evaluation of tithonia diversifolia and sapiurn ellipticvm as supplement fodder for a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of degree of master of science in animal nutrition, department of animal production university of nairobi. Meet the amazing giant sunflower that fixes bad soil the.